Monday, January 19, 2009

Genealogy Seminar

The Roseau County chapter of the Sons of Norway asked me to offer some genealogy advice at their meeting, which was held yesterday. I was happy to have this opportunity and hope that it was helpful to those who attended. I am always a bit nervous when something like this is requested but afterward I'm glad I did it. I really encouraged the attendees to do a four generation pedigree chart first. This chart can be found at several sites on the internet, to find one, click here. Go about half way down the page to where it says download, you can click there and download a chart as a PDF and save to your computer and then print it as needed. To fill in the data, one starts with oneself as the first person, then parents, grandparents and so on. Each family also should have a family group sheet, which lists parents and children and spouses.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Thanks so much for doing this! We really appreciate it. I keep thinking there must be enough people interested to have a group that meets occasionally to share their successes and questions....