Monday, September 15, 2008

Busy Day

What was suppose to be a beautiful day, started cloudy, but by noon the sun was out and by 2:30 it was warm.

I started the day with about 45 minutes working out a Lake Therapy. When I got to work, my day moved quickly from one thing to another. My museum assitant and I check out where we could put some new shelves in the storage room and how we would redign the storage area to make room for items in the semi trailer. A board member and her husband had cleared out the wardrobes last week and now they need to be dismantled to make room for the changes we plan. I then sat about figuring out the mid-month bank deposit, assigned some research, answered email and snail mail, spoke with several people about some projects we need to have done and some county artifacts that we are interested in receiving. Had lunch with friends, came back and finished the deposit, went to the bank and then had a doctor appointment.

When I returned from the doctor appointment, Ardmore called me to come home and drive the truck out to the field. First I had to email the newspaper articles to a couple of papers, stop at the grocery store, and the hardware store.

After taking the truck to the field, I decided it was so nice out I would go for a walk while he was combining. That was very restful and enjoyable. I listened to Blood, Sweat and Tears on the Ipod came back and we decided the canola may be too wet to combine and needed to have the moisture checked first. I ran the canola over to the neighbors and checked it while Ardmore worked on checking grain bin fans. It was 8:30 by the time we got in and I still needed to fix something to eat and ride the stationary bike, fold a load of laundry and put another load in the washer. Do my nails for work tomorrow. Now it is bedtime... Thank goodness!

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