Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to work

This week I am going to try to work a full week. I have several appointments today including one with my orthopedic specialist. Dr. Schall told me I was doing so well I didn't have to come in for about 6 months. I am scheduled for January 13, four months away, I change it if I need to. I appreciate this doctor, when I was discouraged a couple of weeks ago, he called me. He is a very caring person.

This has not been easy. The knee is much more painful than the hip, but I think the recovery is quicker. I am already walking over a mile a day and now I can ride our stationary bike. My knee has a click which I was told me was common. I had read it was possible to have some clicking, I would have been very discouraged if I had not read up on this. Research has been a great help, often it has taken hours to discover what I want to understand about the hip and knee replacement issues. There are many ups and downs but the ups far outweigh the downs. Knee replacement is definitely not my own knee, it is exactly what is put in, an artificial knee, but I can look forward to many years of walking and enjoying life more now. I did have pain on the inner area of my knee but Brian had been through much massage therapy and did some on me so now I know how to take care of the pain and it has really helped. I find the hardest thing to handle is the stiffness. It takes lots of exercise daily. I think the stationary bike will benefit me the most.

The house is so quiet now that the guys are gone, I am happy to back at work. Ardmore tried to combine this afternoon but the wheat was still 19.5% moisture so he quit. I hope we don’t have any rain so he can try again tomorrow, it should go then. I will be unloading grain if it does.

Are you ready to hang up a flag on Sept 11? If not give this some thought. I believe it is one of the best ways to show support for our young service men and women.
How about that McCain/Palin ticket? I think this ticket will give Obama and Biden a run for their money. For the first time, McCain was ahead of Obama this year. I say let the race begin and may the republicans win.

Thought for the day
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive,
nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Charles Darwin

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