The lake bottom of the Roseau Lake was very full this morning. The water has spread out so it is within 3/4 mile of highway 16 and a mile east of 89 N. If we were to get a good rain we would be in trouble now as there is nothing for the river to do but dump more water into our "reservoir" and then it will just continue to spread, the ditches will continue to backup and the fields flood over. It will be another late spring. Just don't give us another snow storm like we had last April 26. We were seeding into June!
I have one final photo I want to post on the website from Woman's History Month. This is the photo of the Woman in History committee photo. The committee included FR - Left to right Dawn Johnson,Linda Vatnsdal, Loralee Marvin BR - Left to right Carole Wilson, Leanne Johnson, and Carolyn Eeg. These women gave their all to our events and exhibit. Could we ever say thank you enough? Never!

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