We have been busy putting together a new exhibit at the museum. It will have two parts to it and will go along with the Smithsonian exhibit that just left us. It will examine the changes on the farm since the 1980s when there was more dairy and beef cattle so fences were seen in abundance. Today we have very few dairy farms and not many beef ranches in the county either. The exhibit will present aerial farm photos from each township, Britt titled it "A Bird's Eye View of Roseau County Farms". The second part will focus on Century Farms, there are about 60 farms that have submitted applications under the Minnesota State Fair and Farm Bureau program that honors families who own Century Farm. This has been an enjoyable exhibit to work on and especially so when I call the families and ask if they would be willing to help with the exhibit by providing photos. We have about 40 photographs in the aerial exhibit, some are in already and some will be coming in during this week. We hope to get the exhibit up by the twentieth of June. That will give time for summer visitors and family reunions to come and see how things looked on a farm in the past compared to today. One of fun things we have coming in is some the aerial mystery farms from the 1950s that were in the Roseau Times-Region.
Today was time to play catch up on some of my friend's blogs. That little guy of Desi's is so dang cute as are Appie and Dave's two little gals.
Today was our daughter, Michelle's birthday. Happy Birthday darling daughter!

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