Starting at about 12:30 am last night, thunder storms hit our area and left us with one and three-quarter inches of rain. When we left for church at 7:30 am water stood all over in the yard and the fields had many flooded areas. By the time we got home at 1:30 the yard had no puddles and the much of the water in the fields had either headed for the ditch with the rest sinking deep into the ground to nourish our wheat, soybeans and canola. It may have been more than what we wanted but it disappeared in a remarkable fashion at home and on our south land. I wish I could say that for some of the other fields in our area. Some had too much water standing and ditches that did not drain to the river fast enough. Tomorrow morning will give a clearer picture of how quickly things can move down the ditches and into the Roseau Lake bottom or into the Roseau River.
Our Killdeer decided to adjust to us these past couple of days and today on my way to the house she continued to sit on her nest while I walked within six feet of the her sitting on the nest. Later I came out to take a photo and she sat there, which a close and cautious eye on what I was doing and where I was.I was able to take this photo which shows how easily she can camouflage herself among the grasses and rocks on the driveway.

We have been watching a Robin dash from her nest every time she hears the front door open. The nest is under our deck in what she considers a secluded place by a corner post. We have had Robins place nests on each corner of the deck some years ago and alternate using them. Then a couple of years ago I decided it was time to clean away the nests so they could rebuild new ones. No Robins returned to rebuild until this year. Hurray, I thought, now we will have the joy of seeing little Robins take their first flight again.
Here are those beautiful blue eggs just waiting to hatch.

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