This was an exciting week for our son James, he was commissioned an Air Force Captain. This is his fourth year in the Air Force. He first commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant when he graduated from the University of Utah. He is not sure how much longer he will stay with the Air Force though as his greatest desire is to fly and he has an interview with Cathay Pacific Airlines in July. Ashley was the first to make the announcement on her Facebook page. She is proud too.
As I laid in bed this morning, thunder rolled outside my window. There was blue sky to the south but gray west and north like yesterday. We had another 1.85 inches of rain yesterday. The fields have much water standing. The soybean field south of the farm site which hubby so quickly seeded and packed will definitely struggle to come to life now. Those little seeds must be so water logged and well ready to pop but when they many will probably die quickly due to all the rain that keeps coming.
I just hope the wheat can stand the assault we've had, it has never looked so good. Fungus is sure to be a problem though and spraying with Tilt more than just a yearly thing to do, it is will be a necessity. I have seen wheat that is not treated with a fungicide and if I put both the treated and the untreated side by side there is no doubt which one I want to eat, the one that was treated! The kernels are so shriveled and often have dark spots on them or a peach fungus when untreated.
The mother Killdeer sat over her eggs throughout the storm yesterday, even when it was hailing. The hail was only pea size but for a bird that must seem like golf ball size. I checked the nest when the rain was over and there were the four little eggs, still in the shell. She usually does not go off her next when I approach now, but I must have been too close to her as she did the broken wing act when I came about three feet from the nest. I see she is sitting on it this morning.
I spent some time working on a quilt for Breanne this morning. It is going to be a long process but I believe it will be quite nice when completed.
I have been reading Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods; his memoir about a hike he and a friend took on the Appalachian Trail during the 1990s. His humor throughout the books is fun, plus he does a good job covering the flora and fauna, small towns along the way that cater to hikers and tourists, and the trail's birds and animals. It is an easy read, can be picked up and put down at will.
I need to write an article for next week's paper so better get started.