The last two weeks were a whirl wind of activity.We started putting the shelving together two weeks ago and are finally finished. As usual there is always changes. We decided to put a shelf in the work room too. The room looks so much roomier and neat with the extra boxes set on the shelf and used foam core posters laying neatly in a pile instead of on a way too small top shelf where they looked ready to fall off at any moment. The floor in the storage room is almost clear of any items that were placed in random places; now they line the new shelving, are accessible, neater, and most of all neater. The shelving for the snowmobiles is ready, all that is needed is to cut the 5"x6" boards and place the platforms with the snowmobiles on the shelves. We will need an electric forklift to take care of that.
we will begin in earnest looking at designing the upcoming exhibits. First will be the hockey exhibit. I have contacted several former hockey players requesting articles for the exhibit. Some items have been donated, others loaned. It will make for a great story. I hope to have some oral histories for our SMART board presentations. The SMART board should arrive in about a week and we will then have to install it on the wall next to my office. The dedicated laptop will be placed in the room directly behind that wall and with wireless accessibility. I am planning to request a new video camera and software so we can place the interviews on the SMART board.
We ordered the some boards to put up signage for the upcoming Smithsonian Museum on Main Street Between Fences exhibit. 1"x6" boards will be painted white and cut into pickets, which will be used sold to provided funding for our exhibit and programs. This week's newspaper article also mentions the need to land owners across the county to bring a peanut butter jar of dirt from their land into the museum so we can show a cross section of the type of dirt our county has.
The One Woman and Women in Military programs are devloping nicely for the upcoming March Women in History exhibits. I am very excited about what we will be doing in that area.
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