Saturday, August 29, 2009

Is there time for anything else?

This last Tuesday I added one more thing to an already overloaded plate, a composition class from a nearby community college. This has been something I have wanted (and needed) to do for a long time. It will have a few drawbacks. One is that it is always on Tuesday nights and I have board meetings and Toastmaster Club meetings that night twice a month. I have to be realistic about what is the most important thing. One other thing that makes it difficult is that the second week of class, I will to be out of town for a workshop for the Smithsonian exhibit we are hosting next March. It is really going to be interesting to see how I can juggle all of this. I am going to see if the board will allow a switch in days or even have the meetings earlier so I won't be late for class on the night of board meetings. Is there such a thing as a smooth transition in life when one wants to do something special?

Last night, I finished the last of the Twilight series. What can I say, Stephanie Meyer had me hooked from the beginning of the first book and for the next 3500 pages, I kept turning and turning and turning. Last night we had a Relief Society picnic at the city park in Warroad. I had 150 pages left in the last book, it was so tempting to stay home and read. I had woke up at 5:30 am, picked up the book, and could hardly put it down all day. Well the the RS picnic took precedence. It was great, the food was tops, you men in our Elders Quorum are great cooks! The hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, the watermelon, and the cheese cake Mike made were so yummy! It was way too cold though, I had to go get the blanket from the car even though I had a sweatshirt on. I was frozen, and by 8:15, I threw the blanket in the backseat of the car, turned on the car and flipped the heat on. Oh, that felt so glorious when it finally warmed up. The time spent with my friends was worth the deep freeze though. Amazingly with only 150 pages left in the book, I was so tired when I got home, I headed straight to bed, turned out the lights and slept from 10 pm to 8:15 am. First thing this am, I went straight for the book and finished in between scrubbing floors and cleaning. By 12, the last satisfying page was read. It may be about vampires and werewolves, but each book are excellent and very enjoyabe. Now, what will Meyer write next? I do need to stop reading until I am done with the class though. I need to prioritize!

Thought for the day:
"Wherefore, if ye shall press forward,
feasting upon the word of Christ,
and endure to thee end,
behold, thus saith the Father:
Ye shall have eternal life."
2 Nephi 31:20
Book of Mormon

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