Our pantry needed some good bulk food. The one on Grant burnt down a few years ago. It was part of a chain store so decided to go to the one on Portage Avenue. Got a Google map and was out the door.
The drive was a wet one, it had clouded over on Thursday and was misting off and on the whole way up. I was surprised and delighted to find out that MPR could be hear all the way to Steinbach. Mid Morning is one of my favorite programs and this was membership week so the interview was a rerun of an earlier interesting one.
My first stop was the St. Vital Shopping Center on the south side of the city just off of Bishop Grandin. As I rounded the building there was a Chapters. With pen and paper in hand and walking several aisles reading the insides of jacket covers a list of five books filled one page. Charles will be challenged with some on this list maybe. Starbucks in Chapters had a tasty raspberry bread and great hot chocolate. The employees even told me of a closer bulk food store!
A premier showing of Angels and Demons with Tom Hanks was showing at Silvercity Cineplex in the mall. Could one ask for a better place to be on a wet, cold day than at a great movie with a box of popcorn and pop? The movie was enjoyable to say the least.
The bulk food store was a short distance way from the mall and had a great variety of foods, including nuts, candy, flours,cereals, spices, various butters, dried fruits, etc. I supplied our pantry with lots of goodies, including a chocolate hazel nut butter, almond butter, dried cranberries, dried blueberries, and a wonderful variety of nuts, included my favorite, Brazil nuts. Now I am anxious to make scones with cranberries and blueberries and Brazil nuts.
It was also "Ladies' Night Out" for our church women. Another friend and I joined 7 other ladies and enjoyed an evening of fun and food with 7 other gals at Lake View Restaurant. It was a perfect evening for a perfect day.
Today is cleaning day, but after yesterday, it is easy to handle.
Thought for the Day:
"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day."
Hi Charlene -- thanks for the kind comments on my blog. Sounds like you have a very nice, peaceful day, even if it was busy. When you said you were from northern MN, my bones started to hurt! I can't take the cold anymore, but when I was young, we lived in Yellowknife for a couple of years, as well as in B.C. The cold was just part of life back then.
What a neat day you must have had in Winnipeg! Sounded like fun. Take me along sometime, eh??
Hey Char,
It's so fun to catch up on blogs over lunch on a rainy day :) Thanks for sharing your life with me! Sounds like the ideal day.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Stay tuned for more quotes and photos.. I want to come to MN. Hey I will be there next May, Spring Market will be in MN. YIPPEE.
Popcorn, and a movie...I loved Angels and Demons as a book can't wait to see the movie.
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