Friday, March 20, 2009

Roseau County Museum Woman's History Month Update

We have had wonderful programs celebration Woman's History Month. The second Saturday in March, Roseau County educators and supporting staff received recognition. One of the areas researched was the Teachers of the Year. All teachers in the county who had received this honor received certificates of recognition.

Speakers for the event were Kelly Falk, Roseau TOY 1975, Karla Rislov, Roseau TOF 1984, also was on the Honor Roll for Minnesota Teacher of the Year; Therese McBride, Warroad, 1994; Judy Puczinski, Greenbush/Middle River, 1997; and Cindy Sandahl, Warroad, 2008. They told of the changes that had taken place in education over the years. 93 year-old Kelly Falk had seen the most changes from when she first taught to the present day.

Special music was provided by two local church Bell Choirs.

The exhibits designed by the Education Committee chaired by Pam Solberg and the talents of Janice Brenden, Diane Churchill, Kelly Falk, Katie Hedlund, Gail Johnson, Elaine Lang, Sharon Lund, Aliza Olson, Sheila Olson, Lori Schaible, Marion Solom, and Joyce Wiodtke were wonderful reminders of how education has changed and how women have participated in that change.

Over 100 individuals attended the event and enjoyed the fellowship of other educators from across the county.

Roseau County Teachers of the Year

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to keep history! Good work! Linda V.