Fall has definitely arrived in NW Minnesota. The sand hill cranes have arrived and one can park by a field where several are feeding on harvest scraps and listen to their melodic sounds. I haven't seen any large groups of geese flying yet but when I took James to the plane and stopped at the factory mall seven geese flew right through the mall no higher than the buildings. It was quite neat to see.
Yesterday and today we took off canola. Ardmore figures we lost about 10-15% due to the rain and wind we have had these past few weeks. He must have about 130,000 pounds now and only has 5 rounds left on the field. I hauled one load home and unloaded it then took the truck out the field about 8 pm so it would be there for him to work on tomorow. I told him I was swath some wheat if he wanted that done tomorrow. I think I will be home for the next two days and I sure hope the wheat gets off too. We have about 60 acres of wheat to take off yet. We are hoping to get this off dry. Tomorrow and Friday are suppose to be in the 70s so we should get most of the grain and canola taken off.
It is getting to be a trial to see the prices drop like they have. Canola is doing from 25 cents a pound to 16 cents. Wheat has gone from $16 to $7 something. I hope November pricing is better.
Things have changed so much since I went to school. A friend from work has a daughter who turned 14 yesterday. She went to the school and decorated the outside of her locker and the walls near the locker. Then she ordered flowers for her to pick up at the office. Pretty cool. If we would have done something like that when I was in school it wouldn't have been allowed. We have gotten to the point where the child is of value.
Oh, I've over done and am falling asleep at the computer...ZZZZ
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