Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Autumn is here
The trees have really started to change with the maples turning a beautiful red. We difinitely have four seasons.
The Women's History Education Committee met last night. I hope they felt it was productive. I had copied every fifth year of school census records from the stored records in the basement of the courthouse for genealogy purposed prior to the 2002 flood. This was not much of a help as they did not list teachers, which what they need, the women educators. We are now waiting for the Minnesota Historical Society to send back their portion of the agreement so we can have the records brought over to the museum. I will need to start moving things to make room for the several boxes of info. It may even be smart to place them in a file cabinet instead.
Yesterday, we had two missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints come in and help me move some things in a wardrobe. We are now ready to take the wardrobe apart so we can make room for more items. I need to order shelving but haven't received the quote yet. We always have so many things to think of.
Today I am going to start hot tub and pool therapy for my tkr. Hopefully this will give me the range of motion I need and remove some of the stiffness. Hope it is as helpful as it appears to be.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday, always a day of work!
I think the ultra-sound that I started in pt this last week finally did some good. I am able to finally ride my bike again, well not terrifically but after a couple of rounds, it goes quite well. I purchased a book on Amazon about TKR. Lots of very good information. I think it has given me some new hope. I hope that I can control the varicose vein problems without surgery and get the knee pain under control.
I watched the movie Hotel Rwanda this afternoon. Why were we so hesitant to go in there when we first heard of the genocide that was taking place? Over a million people lost their lives and who knows how many children were orphaned. Where was the UN and all of us who should have stepped to the plate to stop this? I know the US can't be every where but the UN needs to stand up to situations like this and stop it, and we are part of the UN.
We are starting to get some fall like weather. Yesterday felt quite cold, today wasn't bad but next week we will probably get frost. Most everyone in the area has their wheat and canola off. Ardmore has spent the past two days chisel plowing. He has covered the wheat field at home and the canola field north of Badger. He is on his second trip on the canola field. Hopefully he won't have to go over it again.
I spent the evening listening to Woman's Conference this evening. It was so good. Elder Uchtdorf gave a wonderful encouraging talk about how we as women should look at who we are. I called Michelle and encouraged her to go this evening. She is so fortunate;she is only about 2 minutes from her chapel and can walk, and it is a stake center.
I better close, we forgot to clean the church this week so I will have to go in with Ardmore to get it done before church starts.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Meetings and thiings to do
I drove and now I have a very sore swollen knee, nothing new. I iced it and headed for bed.
I had ordered a book shelf from Office Depot to put on my north wall. I plan to put mostly clothing on it but it will also hold books and several odds and ends that clutter my bedroom. We started to put it together this evening, but I got to tired to finish so we will do that tomorrow.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fawns in the Field
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Wheat is Off!
I rode my bike for 15 minutes and iced the knee for another 15 minutes and headed for the shower and bed. The bed felt like heaven and I was sleeping in no time.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Harvest Continues
My Knee
Could I say I am less than happy with the tkr? Yes. It is painful. I think the biggest problem is that I have varicose veins behind my knee and they are giving me so much pain my range of motion is being limited. I wonder now if I would have done this replacement if I would have known this would have been a complication. Well, I guess I will have to see it to the end, whenever that will be, and see what the outcome is at six month, one year, etc. I hear it does get better. I sure hope so.
On September 8, we celebrated 46 years of marriage. Wow, 46 years with the same person seems like an awful long time! Yup, it is. Would I do things differently, perhaps and then perhaps not. I guess the old cliche "life is what you make it" rings true in a 46 year marriage.
What have I learned being married to someone for 46 years?
- You can't change them and they can't change you.
- Be independent.
- Always look for the good in any given situation.
- Have a life of your own and allow them the same.
- Take vacations alone periodically.
- Always remember the things you have in common and don't focus on the things you don't have in common, after all, you don't look alike, do you?
- Enjoy each day for what it brings.
- Last but not least, tell each other you love each other and show it
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Yup, it had to rain..
12 Things you should know about living in NW Minnesota
- It can rain any time during the summer and usually does.
- It is usually very green and beautiful from the middle of May to the middle of September,then the leaves change and it is fall beautiful.
- Summer often is very hot and muggy.
- There are no lakes except Lake of the Woods and a couple of resorvors where we live in NW MN.
- Contrary to some reports, we do have all four seasons.
- The first snow that stays can arrive around Halloween.
- The Northern Lights here are beautiful and can be in color!
- Winters are COLD. To prove this my husband received a hat from his company when he worked on the iron range in 1995 that says, "I survived 60 below."
- Snow can appear any time of the year, I remember snow flakes one Fourth of July when I was in high school.
- Minnesota is a top grain producer and grass producer, including blue grass.
- Roseau Co. is the home of Polaris Industry and Marvin Windows and Doors.
- Roseau Co. suffers from flooding periodically due to heavy rain falls.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fall is here
Yesterday and today we took off canola. Ardmore figures we lost about 10-15% due to the rain and wind we have had these past few weeks. He must have about 130,000 pounds now and only has 5 rounds left on the field. I hauled one load home and unloaded it then took the truck out the field about 8 pm so it would be there for him to work on tomorow. I told him I was swath some wheat if he wanted that done tomorrow. I think I will be home for the next two days and I sure hope the wheat gets off too. We have about 60 acres of wheat to take off yet. We are hoping to get this off dry. Tomorrow and Friday are suppose to be in the 70s so we should get most of the grain and canola taken off.
It is getting to be a trial to see the prices drop like they have. Canola is doing from 25 cents a pound to 16 cents. Wheat has gone from $16 to $7 something. I hope November pricing is better.
Things have changed so much since I went to school. A friend from work has a daughter who turned 14 yesterday. She went to the school and decorated the outside of her locker and the walls near the locker. Then she ordered flowers for her to pick up at the office. Pretty cool. If we would have done something like that when I was in school it wouldn't have been allowed. We have gotten to the point where the child is of value.
Oh, I've over done and am falling asleep at the computer...ZZZZ
Monday, September 15, 2008
Busy Day
I started the day with about 45 minutes working out a Lake Therapy. When I got to work, my day moved quickly from one thing to another. My museum assitant and I check out where we could put some new shelves in the storage room and how we would redign the storage area to make room for items in the semi trailer. A board member and her husband had cleared out the wardrobes last week and now they need to be dismantled to make room for the changes we plan. I then sat about figuring out the mid-month bank deposit, assigned some research, answered email and snail mail, spoke with several people about some projects we need to have done and some county artifacts that we are interested in receiving. Had lunch with friends, came back and finished the deposit, went to the bank and then had a doctor appointment.
When I returned from the doctor appointment, Ardmore called me to come home and drive the truck out to the field. First I had to email the newspaper articles to a couple of papers, stop at the grocery store, and the hardware store.
After taking the truck to the field, I decided it was so nice out I would go for a walk while he was combining. That was very restful and enjoyable. I listened to Blood, Sweat and Tears on the Ipod came back and we decided the canola may be too wet to combine and needed to have the moisture checked first. I ran the canola over to the neighbors and checked it while Ardmore worked on checking grain bin fans. It was 8:30 by the time we got in and I still needed to fix something to eat and ride the stationary bike, fold a load of laundry and put another load in the washer. Do my nails for work tomorrow. Now it is bedtime... Thank goodness!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday, a Day of Rest
Ardmore leaves for church at about 7:15; I leave the house at 9:15, I need more sleep. Good talks today, missionaries both gave excellent talks encouraging to not be afraid to speak about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Why do we have knee fright?
Exercising takes me about 1 hour and a half every morning. Then comes the icing of the knee. Today was tough, my knee bothered me almost all day. I have iced it two times. Perhaps that isn't enough but there are other things to do in life, like enjoy the two hour nap I took this afternoon. MMMM, that felt so good.
Tomorrow I have pt (more pain and torture). I also have a doctor appointment in the afternoon. I hope he can help me with the pain behind my knee that has been tormenting me. I think the pain now is worse than the pain I had before I had knee replacement. Plus, the stiffness is real torture. Hopefully, I can get some answers. My orthopedic specialist doesn't deal with these problems, only bones.
It is a relief to see the price of oil drop to about $100 a barrel. We decided it was time to order gas. The cost -$1660 for 500 gallons for farm gas on Thursday. It is utterly amazing that there can be such a fluctuation. Last year we paid $2.27 a gallon, this year it is $3.38, about 1/3 more, plus the price of grain is going down. I bet the grain prices won't recover to last fall and springs prices anytime soon. We also have the added expense of having to dry our grain and purchase equipment to help do that. I am not anxious to see what the electric bill will run over the next three months. Right now we have three 5 horse motors and a 1.5 horse motor running, when we add the drying heaters tomorrow, that will put it at two more motors running. OUCH! Farming is very expensive and a gamble.
Ardmore switched headers on the combine late this afternoon. He has decided to take off the canola before we tackle the rest of the wheat. I hope the canola will go on Tuesday, it will take at least two days to get it off. This will mean that I have to leave work early again. Well, our crop has to come first.
Talked to Michelle, Brian and James either yesterday or today. Life is good.
Thought for the day:
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Why does it continue to rain?
He has decided to take the header off of the combine and put the other header on so he can take off the canola. The wheat has too high of a moisture lever and he is hopeful that it will drop while he is taking off the canola. He needs at least two days of warm weather to see the canola dry enough to take off. We are praying it will come off this next week, as the weather report looks promising.
Monday is our grandson Bryce's birthday. I wanted to email him but we do not have his new Coast Guard email address. (Hey Bryce, if you read this write to granny!) I will have to mail his card to his mother so he can pick it when he returns from his trip to sea. I hope he has a good camera and takes lots of photos so we can see them. I am putting a photo of Bryce (left) and James on the blog for any young women who check out my blog can see the hunks!

The Best of a Saturday
The Ten Best things about Saturday
1. Sleeping in
2. Calling Family
3. Watching your favorite movie
4. Eating out
5. Lunch with friends
6. Spending time reading a favorite book
7. Gardening
8. Going to Winnipeg
9. Baking
10. Sitting on the deck and enjoying a beautiful day.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Back to work
This has not been easy. The knee is much more painful than the hip, but I think the recovery is quicker. I am already walking over a mile a day and now I can ride our stationary bike. My knee has a click which I was told me was common. I had read it was possible to have some clicking, I would have been very discouraged if I had not read up on this. Research has been a great help, often it has taken hours to discover what I want to understand about the hip and knee replacement issues. There are many ups and downs but the ups far outweigh the downs. Knee replacement is definitely not my own knee, it is exactly what is put in, an artificial knee, but I can look forward to many years of walking and enjoying life more now. I did have pain on the inner area of my knee but Brian had been through much massage therapy and did some on me so now I know how to take care of the pain and it has really helped. I find the hardest thing to handle is the stiffness. It takes lots of exercise daily. I think the stationary bike will benefit me the most.
The house is so quiet now that the guys are gone, I am happy to back at work. Ardmore tried to combine this afternoon but the wheat was still 19.5% moisture so he quit. I hope we don’t have any rain so he can try again tomorrow, it should go then. I will be unloading grain if it does.
Are you ready to hang up a flag on Sept 11? If not give this some thought. I believe it is one of the best ways to show support for our young service men and women.
How about that McCain/Palin ticket? I think this ticket will give Obama and Biden a run for their money. For the first time, McCain was ahead of Obama this year. I say let the race begin and may the republicans win.
Thought for the day
nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Charles Darwin
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Harvest with the family
I did get a couple of good photos of the men on the combine and will place one here one.
James heads back to LA tomorrow and then we are left to pray for better, warmer weather so we can get the rest of the crop off.
As for my knee and hip, it does seem to be getting better each day. I have done some heat, massaging, and icing to keep the hip from spasming again. I had pt this afternoon. I need to work on getting my knee to reach its maximum movement and that is very hard. Today I had a different pt and she gave me some new exercises. one for the hip and some for the knee. I will be trying them out tonight.
So what have we eaten when the guys were home? Lots of blueberries. This has been the year for good blueberries and I have purchased more than our share. We had a blueberry pie and an apple pie. I still can't top the Twin's apple pie so don't even try, I just order one instead. We had cheese burgers, Brian's fabulous spinach scrambled eggs, lots of fresh fruit mixes, lemon chicken, and of course, potato salad. No, I didn't bake any cookies this time, bought some instead. I figured if I baked, I would eat more than anyone else. Its a good thing it is coming to a halt, I have gained three pounds and need to take it off pronto!
Tomorrow will bring a state of quiet to our home and the lack of family will haunt the house.