Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wide awake and cruising the web

Well, here I am at 3:00 am, wide awake and cruising the web. I had a a tough day at PT today and was only able to get my knee to 105. Perhaps that is not bad but then I am impatient person right now and want to see results every time I go to PT.

Yesterday was such a busy day, perhaps that is why I can't sleep. I went to PT at 10:30, worked afterwards, had a massage at 1, went in for knee xrays at 3 and back to work where I sat in on a 4:00 meeting with the women in education exhibit committee. While walking around the museum with them without my cane, I left it in the car having forgot I had the meeting, I was trying to remove some instant pain in my tkr knee by crossing my other foot and putting my toe on the floor, oops, not something to do with tkr! I changed that position immediately. Its funny how one does things so automatically without any thought of the repercussions. Good thing the brain works so fast and sends out an alarm.

Found an excellent blog tonight, http://booktoots.wordpress.com/ This is from a womanw with a tkr who tells it like it is. She is also a hockey enthusiast, which for someone from Roseau gives her status.

One of the major benefits of pt is having the use of the machines free, although our hospital pt department gives access to all of their machines for as little as about $30 a month to anyone. I find that in the winter it is wonderful. I walk on the treadmill daily as well as use several other machines. Right now with the tkr I am limited to the recombinant stepper and a few other machines at this time. I am waiting to hit the treadmill again. I am up to walking about 3/4 of a mile a day. I would like to do it every day but I just get too busy.

I went to the kitchen and heated some milk and checked to see what it was doing outside. It is raining outside and the air had that marvelous fresh smell. We need a little rain right now so the soybeans can fill well. We are very concerned about the weather and an early frost. May was so cold that the crop really is late this year. Our wheat is about two to three weeks late which means the canola and soybeans are later by far. With the price of grain what it is right now, we sure don't want to see an early killing frost.

I have a Dr. appointment with Dr. Schall, my orthopedic surgeon today so better ice my knee, it feels like it is exploding with swelling and try and sleep some.

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