Friday, June 27, 2008

Markets & Rain

Well the stock market continued to slide today (11,346) even though crude oil settled the day at 140.21.
I wonder what will happen to the historical society endowment fund under these circumstances. I have seen it drop into the 9,000 range once when the stock market took a hit. We were still over $150,000 at our last quarter earnings. The foundation changed their policy on the way the charge us for managing our account recently; they will begin to charge us about $1,100 a year now. That could hurt.
We had a nice rain on our crops today, about 1/2 inch. Ardmore had been thinking we needed a little and he got his wish. It is still pretty cloudy so more could be on the way and it looks like more will be tomorrow.
It is 10:00 and it is still light, even though it is overcast. Tomorrow we have a Primary activity at church. It is scheduled as an outdoor activity. I hope it doesn't rain but the forecast doesn't look good. We are going to do a Pioneer activity, play pioneer games and eat pioneer type food. I think the kids will enjoy it, provided the weather cooperates.
I have been trying to get the newsletter and several other things done at the museum. Today we did some sorting. We had a request for some of our cemeteries from the Red River Genealogical Society. They are coming up tomorrow to transcribe some of the cemeteries that Milt Sather hadn't completed. Britt and I went through the cemetery records and I located copies of the cemetery records I had people trancribe into data bases. We moved them all over to the server so now they are available to us when we do research. I know I will use them. Some of the cemeteries were on a list that the RRVGS wanted so we put the rest on a cd. We will give those to the visitors tomorrow.
I suppose I need to hit the sack. We are starting at 10 tomorrow so I should be there by 9. I hope we have enough help.
Thought for the day:
"The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body." Harry J. Johnson

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