Saturday, April 20, 2013

Late Spring

This will go down as the latest spring we have had in years. We have about 8 inches of snow all over still and the weather report is for snow tomorrow and Monday. In fact, the possibility of 6 to 10 inches! 

James had requested a month off in May. They planned to come home and he would help with the seeding. His request for time off was denied. Probably a good thing, with all the snow we still have, who knows when or if we will get the crop seeded.
These were taken yesterday!

I have been working on a quilt for our granddaughter, Breanne. I am about 3/4 completed with it now. This past week I completed the strips and have sewn them together. Yeah! I started this quilt about three years ago. Sometimes one gets tired of working on something and that was the case with this quilt. In the mean time, I had made a quilt for Bjorn, a couple of table runners and several potholders. It is time to complete this one.

 Reading has been a favorite past-time this winter. With the kindle app and the Overdrive app on my iPad, the selections are wonderful. Right now, I just started reading Firefly Lane for book club.  The site Ereaderiq offer the option of finding a variety of genres and thousands of free Kindle books or purchasing books at a very reasonable price from Amazon. This month's selection is Firefly Lane, it was available on the Kindle for only $2.99. I read it in three days, excellent, worthy of a 4.5. One needs lots of Kleenex when you read it though.

The iPad or Kindle Fire are wonderful for reading. I am awake often in the middle of the night. Being able to dim the screen to read is so beneficial. Sometime,  now that I am retired, it isn't uncommon to read from 2:30 am to 5:30 am. What else is,there to do at that time? If you wake up then too, share what you do. Share what you are reading right now too.

March was my fifth year since my total hip replacement. I am so please with the results.  I could not have enjoyed the many things I enjoy now do without having had the hip replaced. There would definitely not had been a trip to Hong Kong!

We had a church general conference the first weekend of April and I asked some of my church friends to share a favorite thought from one of the speakers. Thank you Judith for shared the following:

"So many great message to choose from this April 2013 weekend. I am selecting the talk from  Dieter F. Uchtdorf about how Jesus shows us the way out of darkness.  There are three steps.  First, start where you are even if you feel unqualified.  Second, turn your heart toward The Lord and plead for support. Third, walk in the Light. He knows you will make mistakes. There are always stumbling blocks. The Light of the Gospel will pave the way. Darkness cannot prevail." 

I was impressed with the President Boyd K. Packer's talk on the family:  "

All are born with the Light of Christ, a guiding influence which permits each person to recognize right from wrong. What we do with that light and how we respond to those promptings to live righteously is part of the test of mortality.
“For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.”8
Each of us must stay in condition to respond to inspiration and the promptings of the Holy Ghost. The Lord has a way of pouring pure intelligence into our minds to prompt us, to guide us, to teach us, and to warn us. Each son or daughter of God can know the things they need to know instantly. Learn to receive and act on inspiration and revelation."

Well it is time to complete my Gospel Doctrine lesson for tomorrow.

Thought for the day: 
Every day may have a challenge, physical or mental, how you handle that challenge will make you or break you. Strive to let it make you stronger.