What a wonderful concert at the Warroad School last week! It was put together under the direction of Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay and Julian Hines through the Minnesota Humanities Center in connection with our upcoming Smithsonian exhibit, "New Harmonies: Celebrating American Roots Music." Fourteen very talented students, included several foreign exchange students entertained approximately 100 individuals at the school mini theater with song, dance, instrumental music, and poetry.
We had such wonderful responses following the program. One party emailed and said her husband had wanted her to go with him, so she did, taking her Kindle thinking she was going to get bored. She was so excited about the performance that she didn't check her Kindle once! She was looking forward to the next two programs we have this coming weekend. It is more than gratifying to receive comments like that.
These Warroad Students Rock!
Julian Hines - one of the workshop teachers. |
Julian Hines, a dancer, shows a routine during the show. |
Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay, the main workshop educator,
recites an award winning poem she wrote. |
David Olson strummed his grandfather, Gust Nordval's guitar.
Gust purchased the guitar during WWII and recorded the places he was on it. |
Warroad Advanced English teacher Kelsey Didrikson. Everyone was singing Happy Birthday to her. |
I am looking forward to feasting on the upcoming music. We have so much going on. Saturday at 7:30 pm, we have "Stories of Music, Stories from Home" at the Roseau School Theater. During this performance, over 50 instruments will be played including some antique instruments. The program combines music and stories about community and home. On we open the exhibit! We are planning a ribbon cutting at 5 pm with a dinner at 6pm. This is going to be a wonderful event, I can just feel it!
Brian arrived from LA on Thursday. He spent most of Friday at Denise's shop putting makeup on the gals for the Diva Days Style Show at the Brick House. I think he said he did about 28 women. They looked fabulous when he was done. Nothing like have a pro put on your makeup! Saturday he had a booth at Diva Days, his first time. He is so generous, gave each person who attended the Diva Days Style Show a coupon for an eye lash curler to be picked up at his booth. Needless to say we were busy. He showed makeup tricks on several women who stopped by the booth. Many also signed up to take his Sunday afternoon and evening classed. The evening class was an advance class. I even learned some new tricks. I was his cashier. Took me a while to get use to the calculator and the credit card program, but I finally did.
James took his first real flight this past week. He flew the 340A from Hong Kong to Rome. He has three scheduled flights to Rome this month. I am looking forward to the day when I will get to fly to Hong Kong, that should be interesting.
They finally found an apartment. I am amazed at the size, it reminds me of our first apartment only I think ours was smaller, if that is possible! Their apartment is 630 square feet. Reminds me of the movie Two Weeks Notice
,starring Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock, when Hugh Grant steps out her parent's apartment.
Time to call it quits. Much to do tomorrow and I need a good nights sleep!